Inline code highlighting on the Forum

The inline code highlighting in the forum is very subtle. It’s hard to make out the difference between things like ApplicationController and ApplicationController.

Can someone please add the following CSS similar to what Github uses. It makes the inline code pop out a little more.

body code, body pre {
  margin: 0px 2px;
  padding: 0px 5px;
  border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221);
  background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);
  border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;

The file to patch is app/assets/stylesheets/code_highlighting.css.scss.



I’m sure the team would welcome this as a pull request.

I tried it out and the problem is it looks a bit too much like our @dsawardekar name formatting:

Instead I changed it to the same color we use in our code blocks. I think it looks okay. Should be deployed soonish so people can see for themselves:

This looks good to me.

For future reference, how do PR’s work against a deployed version. Do I make a PR against Discuss or is the deployed version on a fork to which I submit a PR.


Always against Discourse please :slight_smile: