I am working on my first ember application using Ember-cli
Here i want to add feature of image-upload using cloudinary_js
Referring this [link][1]
Image Model:
import DS from 'ember-data';
var attr = DS.attr;
export default DS.Model.extend({
imageUrl: attr('string'),
thumbImageUrl: attr('string'),
standardImageUrl: attr('string'),
favourite: attr('string'),
order: attr('number')
I have already added the required js files using bower and listed them in Brocfile.js
Added file field as component:
import Ember from "ember";
export default Ember.View.extend({
tagName: "input",
type: "file",
accept: "image/*",
class: "cloudinary-fileupload",
dataCloudinaryField: "image_id",
attributeBindings: [ "name", "type", "value", "class"],
change: function() {
Here am stuck with, where to specify the config of cloudinary (cloud name and api key)?
Can anyone please help me with the detailed steps of cloudinary integration with ember using ember-cli.
Thanks. [1]: http://cloudinary.com/blog/direct_image_uploads_from_the_browser_to_the_cloud_with_jquery