Styles/app.css building with 'undefined [undefined]' errors

I’m getting a strange error with ember build that started happening only after I migrated from ember-suave to ember-cli-eslint + eslint-plugin-ember-suave, but it doesn’t seem like an error specific to eslint.

% ember build
DEPRECATION: Overriding init without calling this._super is deprecated. Please call `this._super.init &&
this._super.init.apply(this, arguments);` addon: `ember-cli-htmlbars`
  at Function.Addon.lookup (/Users/denchen/git/my-appi/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/addon.js:1009:27)
info: Scanning for yuidoc.json file.
warn: Skipping node_modules directory while scanning for yuidoc.json
info: Loading package.json data from: /Users/denchen/git/my-app/package.json
info: Loading yuidoc.json data from: /Users/denchen/git/my-app/yuidoc.json

undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]
undefined [undefined]

Despite those weird undefined [undefined] errors, my app seems to be running fine, and I see nothing out of the ordinary in terms of how it looks with respect to my CSS definitions. I’m using ember-cli-postcss with postcss-cssnext, postcss-easy-import, postcss-extend, and postcss-reporter. Again, this only started happening with I migrated from Ember Suave to the Ember Suave ESLint plugin, which is weird since ESLint should have nothing to do with CSS, correct?

How can I go about finding the root cause of this issue?

I was able to “fix” the errors by upgrading a bunch of packages. Notably, I upgraded ember-component-css, ember-cli-postcss, & postcss-reporter. Once I did that and did a clean build, all my errors went away. So I can only guess something wasn’t playing nice with something else.