Good resources for beginners?

I’m new to Ember.js; what are some good resources for beginners? So far I’ve been working my way through the official guides and Peepcode’s Ember video. Any other suggestions for someone trying to get a handle on the framework?


I’d suggested checking out the G+ page and follow a few Ember.js blogs.

Ryan Bates just released the first of two PRO screencasts introducing Ember.js on RailsCasts. It’s another paid resource, but well worth the $9 per month.

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Cool that the title says “part 1”, that means there will be more :smiley:

Ember Camp videos:

I watched the Peepcast and Railscasts videos. The Peepcast one is long and slow, though while it is informative it isn’t very definitive. The Part 1 Railscasts video is too short to be of any real use except a TL;DR intro video.

[Uhhh… Apparently you’re allowed to only have one link per post, so this had to be separate.]

This blog has some good info:

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EmberWatch is a good feed for finding resources.


I also primary work with Rails and found DockYard’s series very helpful.

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Looks like that was written over a year ago- how up-to-date are those?

Speaking of which, quite a lot of things that turn up as search results from StackOverflow are outdated already. Probably another good way to contribute for the benefit of us beginners in the community, is by updating the answers to the popular questions there.

Not to push my own content … but I recently updated my introduction screencast to show RC1 in action along side ember-data for the beginner. (totally free)

This screencast is a simple code camp example built real time showing the different conventions of ember.js all along the way. (36 minutes long)

Hope someone finds it useful :smiley:


I wrote a relatively simple demo app called EmberPress which is a clone of LetterPress. The source code is available and well documented as a learning resource.


Thank you for a very good introduction screencast @toranb ! Really enjoyed it and it sure helped plug some gaps in my understanding…

@eviltrout that is awesome! The code is a great read through and really clean. Thanks for sharing.

Quick question: how did you generate the docs?

It’s docco - all the configuration and such required to generate the docs are in the git repository!


Did you end up loading your screencast to Vimeo? I saw the comment on your blog and would like to see it. Thanks!

I think an other good example might be Ember Data Example by @dgeb.

It’s an ember/rails simple contacts application, with Ember.js RC1 and ember-data REV 12.

@benjamin I threw it up on box (can’t stream it though)

I couldn’t get it up on youtube because of the file size

It should be back up on the dropbox site March 16th

edit -the box link is also down so I put up a 3rd download (check the post for an update)

I am pushing my own content, but people have liked Master Space & Time With JavaScript which you can get at – the Ember part is $7 on its own, or you can get the whole thing for $15. It’s up to date through RC1, and still has updates coming down the road to cover more material.

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