Ember.js for Ruby on Rails Developers

Hi Guys,

I just started a new series of blog posts to teach people about Ember.js with Ruby on Rails using @DockYard 's Ember App Kit Rails.

If you are interested check out http://blog.abuiles.com/ember-js-with-ruby-on-rails/

I’ll be covering stuff like

  • Understanding Ember.js MVC and Ruby on Rails MVC.
  • Main Ember.js Concepts.
  • Ember App Kit Rails.
  • Testing you Ember.js Apps with QUnit and Teaspoon.
  • Keeping you up to date with Ember Data and Ember.js.

Don’t forget to subscribe to the mailing, I’ll sending updates as the posts advance.

Also if you want to checkout in the wild an app using Ember App Kit Rails, check https://github.com/abuiles/facturas.

p.s if you have any Ember App Kit Rails (or Ember.js) question feel free to ping me on irc (@abuiles on #emberjs) or write me directly to my email.